Marcel Rulli

Marcel Rulli, recognized for his career in public service and his significant transition to academia and legal consulting, is a prominent figure in the Brazilian legal landscape. With a 20-year career as a public servant, Marcel played a crucial role before deciding to change direction in his professional trajectory.

During his extensive public service career, Marcel dedicated his time to the real estate regularization sector, gaining a deep understanding of the legal complexities involved in this area of law. With a pragmatic approach and a passion for facilitating processes, he decided to resign in order to apply his experience more broadly, helping lawyers navigate the field of property regularization and enhance their financial gains.

Marcel's passion for sharing knowledge led him to use social media as a platform to disseminate free content, offering insights and practical tips for lawyers interested in property regularization. His innovative approach and ability to simplify complex legal concepts quickly gained the attention of the legal community.

In a significant milestone, Marcel developed a comprehensive course designed to empower lawyers in the field of property regularization, providing them with the necessary tools to thrive in this specific niche of law. The success of his methods is evident in the impressive revenue of his students, exceeding 4 million reais.

Today, Marcel Rulli enjoys a career as a lawyer and consultant, leveraging his practical experience and deep knowledge to assist not only in property regularization but also in broader legal matters.

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